GinaMarie Zimmerman [1st]
Jade Pietrantonio [2nd]
Ed Lower [3rd]
Rhian Sugden [4th]
Helen Kim [5th]
Peter Brown [6th]
Judd Daugherty [7th]
Amanda Zuckerman [8th]
Deana Uppal [9th]
Faye Palmer [10th]
Sam Wallace [11th]
Eric Stein [12th]
Bart Spring in 't Veld [13th]
Steven Daigle [14th]
Dan Gheesling [15th]
Jen Johnson [16th]
I mean, who goes out WEEEK ONE in a game.. in BIG BROTHER of all games? that one guy that signs up for everyone game possible... like that guy. and I'm not even THAT guy. HELP.
I did the veto and got to talking. Dan is just blah I don't like him already. Short answers. Small talk. Like please, shut the fuck up if you aren't interested in speaking to me. Forced conversations are like conversation-rape. I don't want it. Leave.
Helen is pretty legit. Faye is by FAR my favorite. She's so like.. NICE and easy going.
Sam's a really nice guy too, but he has the personality of a head of lettuce. Nothing going on there. I think I have the upper hand on him as far as social game goes, but who knows, theres some people who just... get to stay because they're Kathy from BB12 in disguise.
Its sickening. I'm like lost in motion. Theres 16 people. I need 7 votes to stay in this game. I'll probably have Faye and Helen. And phartisticjason idk who the fuck he's playing but I love that cunt from way to many games.
So, I'm probably leaving this week, which sucks in every way possible, but theres nothing I can do to fight it and I don't really even have the time at this second to campaign.
I mean, it sucks. I hate going out of games early, but I hate going out of games early because I wasn't here to play. Steven's a piece of shit, especially w/ that PoV speech. I knew I remembered lucky777charms from somewhere...survivoragain3. Piece of shit. like turd.