GinaMarie Zimmerman [1st]
Jade Pietrantonio [2nd]
Ed Lower [3rd]
Rhian Sugden [4th]
Helen Kim [5th]
Peter Brown [6th]
Judd Daugherty [7th]
Amanda Zuckerman [8th]
Deana Uppal [9th]
Faye Palmer [10th]
Sam Wallace [11th]
Eric Stein [12th]
Bart Spring in 't Veld [13th]
Steven Daigle [14th]
Dan Gheesling [15th]
Jen Johnson [16th]
So tonight's (Part 3) competition was called "Jurors' Perspectives". GinaMarie and Ed were asked questions based on what the jurors experienced throughout the BB: Rise & Fall 4 house. There were 10 questions in total but only the first 7 count. The houseguest to get the most correct wins Part 3. If both houseguests have the same correct, we will use question 8, 9 & 10 as tie breakers.
itfz88 (12:46:03 AM): 1. Who's gameplay did Judd respect the most? itfz88 (12:46:07 AM): A] Rhian b] Ed Ed (12:46:46 AM): this could get awkward... GM (12:46:53 AM): lmao itfz88 (12:47:16 AM): Both said 'B'. The answer is 'A'. #awk indeed Ed
itfz88 (12:47:39 AM): 2. What two houseguests did Amanda say would make a good showmance? itfz88 (12:47:43 AM): A] Amanda/Steven B] Amanda/Judd itfz88 (12:48:13 AM): Both said 'B'. The answer is 'A'. She loves them cowboys (or crazies) GM (12:48:19 AM): wtf lol Ed (12:48:21 AM): hahaha GM (12:48:26 AM): we suck
itfz88 (12:48:30 AM): 3. Which houseguest did Helen say deserved their eviction? itfz88 (12:48:34 AM): A] Rhian B] Judd itfz88 (12:49:00 AM): Both said 'B'. The answer is 'A'. =-O x 932003
itfz88 (12:49:16 AM): 4. What did Rhian say was the most shocking moment in the house? itfz88 (12:49:21 AM): A] Steven quitting b] Sam's outburst [Guyzz thread] itfz88 (12:49:36 AM): Different answers this time itfz88 (12:49:42 AM): GM said 'A'. Ed said 'B'. itfz88 (12:49:53 AM): The answer is 'A'. GinaMarie scores a point. itfz88 (12:49:57 AM): GM - 1 Ed - 0
itfz88 (12:50:20 AM): 5. Which houseguest did Deana say had the worst gameplay? itfz88 (12:50:25 AM): A] Peter B] Judd itfz88 (12:50:44 AM): GM said 'A'. Ed said 'B'. itfz88 (12:50:55 AM): The answer is 'B'. Ed scores a point! itfz88 (12:51:01 AM): GM - 1 Ed - 1
itfz88 (12:51:15 AM): 6. What did Helen say was the worst move of the game? itfz88 (12:51:22 AM): A] Judd wasting his HOH B] Peter not backdooring someone big itfz88 (12:51:56 AM): Both said 'B'. The answer is 'B'. Both score a point! itfz88 (12:52:00 AM): GM - 2 Ed - 2
itfz88 (12:52:50 AM): 7. Which houseguest did Rhian say needed a reality check? itfz88 (12:52:54 AM): A] Faye b] Amanda itfz88 (12:53:34 AM): Both sent in different answers. itfz88 (12:54:27 AM): Ed said 'A'. GM said 'B'. itfz88 (12:55:24 AM): The answer is 'B'. So congratulations GinaMarie - you are the final HO (H)?? GM - 3 Ed - 2