GinaMarie Zimmerman [1st]
Jade Pietrantonio [2nd]
Ed Lower [3rd]
Rhian Sugden [4th]
Helen Kim [5th]
Peter Brown [6th]
Judd Daugherty [7th]
Amanda Zuckerman [8th]
Deana Uppal [9th]
Faye Palmer [10th]
Sam Wallace [11th]
Eric Stein [12th]
Bart Spring in 't Veld [13th]
Steven Daigle [14th]
Dan Gheesling [15th]
Jen Johnson [16th]
dragonnclownshoes 10:29 am i loved her ED CANT WIN HE'LL NOMINATE ME
Why does Amanda even think I will put her up? She's delirious...I mean yeah I considered it but I won't put her up right out. She needs to be backdoored..
So Sam warned me that Amanda will confront me about wanting her out last round. Like ok because I was away and couldn't vote so I want you out while I was away.
It's amazing that info actually gets to Deana, when I don't even really see her as someone who would be talking to a lot of people. Maybe I am wrong about that...hmmm she sounds totally sketchy though plus she only talks to me like a telegram. I don't get it. Maybe she doesn't like guys I don't know.
Well Steven sucks for just quitting like that lolol. Makes it easier for us all. Now we are one step closer to getting to the end
Amanda tried to confront me about wanting her out but I think I deflected that well My own 4rgy alliance also confronted me about being a traitor but I deflected that too. Ugh it's not easy when you are this popular! I sure did not wish to be this popular but I mean I just did what I do best. Talk to people and be as entertaining as possible. It's not my fault if others were being deemed as boring you know. Like why sign up for a game if you want to be boring? Heck life is already boring so why not liven it up here a little bit. Sam came clean with his identity to me. I don't really mind because I don't think I know him that well lol and I do believe we got something going on here So I don't plan to screw him over just because I know who he is. He will still be my number one ally and showmance in the house
So it's really looking like everyone talks to my keyboard always seems to type Gaye for some reason but anyways. I am assuming that if noms stay the same Bart will likely go. I dont know why Sam couldn't get into the Faye train but he needs to be aware that people like talking to Faye. If not, he will gain a lot of enemies if he keeps wanting her out. And I mean I talk to Faye and I don't really find her annoying or boring really. She can at least hold up a conversation.